2021年12月1日晚上23:00-00:15,由华南师范大学国际商学院与英国阿伯丁大学商学院联合主办的国际学术论坛第二场顺利在线举行。本次论坛邀请到国际商学院特聘副研究员刘伟博士主讲,英国阿伯丁大学商学院 Yuanyuan Zhao老师主持,来自阿伯丁商学院教师和华南师范大学国际商学院老师共计12人参加。
论坛的题目是:Controlling Shareholder Share Pledging and the Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from China。主要内容是:“Booming markets are a time of high returns and high risk, including the risk of misrepresenting the quality of an investment. The Chinese bond market has recently been going through a boom period, and we document evidence of ratings shopping in the enterprise bond market. Our evidence shows that some firms get higher credit ratings than they should, resulting in a lower cost of debt financing. We also find that investors become aware of this after multiple financing rounds and punish all clients of the ratings inflators, resulting in a lemons market in bonds for certain firms”。
阿伯丁大学商学院的Daniel教授 和Haofeng Xu老师针对刘伟老师的论文进行点评。此次学术论坛不仅进一步扩展了广大教师的学术视野,增进了两校的学术交流,营造了良好学术氛围,使得我院中英合作办学进一步深化。